Music Scholarships for 2016 – Application Due 04/29/16


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There are 2 Scholarships available to be awarded

The John A. Gula Music Scholarship – This was established in 2009 to honor the thirty-six years he dedicated to teaching his love of music to the students of the Plum Borough School District. The scholarship is given to a Plum High School senior who will major or minor in music. The scholarship is a $2000 award – $1000 given at the end of the student’s successful completion of their first semester freshman year, the second $1000 given at the end of the student’s successful completion of their first semester sophomore year. Financial aspects of the scholarship are administered by the Plum Music Boosters.

The Plum Music Booster Music Scholarship – There are Three $500 scholarships are awarded to PHS Seniors who will continue to include music in their college curriculum.

Thank You, Plum Music Boosters

Band Test

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